Time Alignment Challenge
with Janna Meyrowitz Turner

Do you feel like you’re so busy doing things that you don’t have time to think? You’re in the right place.

Time is a non-renewable currency. Being intentional with your time is how you keep your power in this world, and therefore it’s a core tenet of my Personal Brand Alignment theory.

I created this Time Alignment Challenge to share these valuable insights with more people because I believe they have the power to change the world. No joke.

Every morning for five days, you’ll receive an email from me with a 2 minute video and a 2 minute exercise. The simplicity *is* the point. And I promise: this isn’t about more things to do. It’s about a new way of being. It’s a $95 investment alongside 20 cumulative minutes of your time and attention - and it pays dividends.

“It’s perfect for “busy bees” because it take only 5 minutes a day but gives tools that last a lifetime!”
- Carol H., Healthcare Executive

Through this five-day exercise, you will begin to:

  • Think and speak about your time, attention, boundaries, and more in new ways

  • Hold yourself accountable to your own articulated priorities

  • Set boundaries that inspire others to create more agency in their lives as well

Janna challenges me to expand my perspective, and her frameworks have transformed my business — and my life.
— Rachel L, Entrepreneur

What to Expect when You Join:

  • Rolling admission. Join today, get your first email the following Monday

  • A daily weekday email at 8am EST / 5am PST with a time alignment jewel from Janna in a 1-minute video 💎

  • A daily 2-minute exercise ✍️

  • 5 days of rethinking time⏳where the simplicity is the point.


I know how life-changing these concepts are because 100s of entrepreneurs, founders, executives, and creatives have told me so

Together we can build an expansive new paradigm.

Janna helps me question the things I wasn’t even thinking about!”
— Bea A., Tech Entrepreneur + Psychologist